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Afghan Wives Can Now Suffer Starvation for Refusing Sex

18 Aug

So basically President Hamid Karzai is an asshole. He recently signed a law that requires Shia women to have sex with their husbands at least every 4 days, and removing the need to consent to sex within marriage.

Also, if a woman wants to work to get more money for her family or herself, she needs permission from her husband, father, or grandfather.

I can’t believe how different it is over there.
I’m proud to be an American..
where at least I know I’m free….
and so on and so fourth.

Straight Women, Lesbian Porn.

22 Apr
Am I gay?… Definitely not. Am I bi-sexual?… Nope. Am I bi-curious?… Not even.

But when I’m watching porn, I can only get off on lesbian porn. I dont think there is anything wrong with that, but I definitely wouldn’t say its normal. I’m not addicted to porn by any means, and I HATEEEE when females say they don’t watch it. You’re a gotdamn LIAR!. Don’t play yaself. But I was talking to a friend about me liking lesbian porn. Im not concerned or anything, cuz I know I’m not gay or bisexual or anything. I like dick. I like men, and at this time in my life, just one man, soooo it’s not a big issue. But I asked a friend of mine and she said something like, “you probably just don’t like to look at other guys naked, I am the same. I like to see the man I’m sleeping with naked but not some random dude with a weird *thingie*. Women are ment to be attractive, like a sports car. Everyone likes a sexy sports car, not to say everyone likes lesbian porn. But I feel you.”

So, needless to say, it made me feel better. Like I’m not the only girl out there that appreciates beautiful women.

On to a whole new topic now. THREESOMES!!!…

I don’t want to say that I would never have a threesome, but since I’m in a serious relationship now I wouldn’t want to. I can’t see myself spending my life with a man that I had a threesome with. Like me watching another girl do shit to my man? HELL NO. Would never happen. I was actually talking to my boyfriend about threesomes and we both decided, its not a good look. I did tell him that if I could clone myself then a threesome would be on the top of my list of things to do. But since thats not possible, negative.
Soooo, thats all I got for today I guess.
Happy Hump Day!

Always and Forever…

18 Mar

Im 20 years old and I feel that I have already found the man I wanna spend the rest of my life with. It scares me and it frequently enters my mind that a person hardly ever spends their life with the first person they fell hardest for or actually fell in love with. I’ve never been in a relationship like the one I’m in now. I’ve never been heart broken and I’ve never been so emotional and passionate about a relationship before. I’ve never cared at all, let alone this much. It’s scary, even more so than I can express. I want things to work out cuz I dont know what I would do without him. All I know is I would do anything for him. He’s always on my mind. He’s the one thats got me up at 3 am just thinking about the future and how things are gonna work out. He’s the one thats got my heart.

I really do feel like women get into relationships deeper and faster than men do. We go on one date and we get home like, “I can see myself with him forever” or we’re already planning the wedding. I think it’s all just in our nature and in our blood to just feel a certain way, a different way than a man would. Which is why I think we take it harder when it comes crashing down. Now lemme just say, I’m not speaking for all women at all. I know there are some of you strong women out there that date like a man so you dont get played like a bitch and what not…. I swear I use to be like that. I just didnt care about a date or a good night kiss.. but now I’m completely different. And you dont realize how special a simple kiss is until you’re in a long distance relationship and you dont get kisses every night 😦 I’m telling you its horrible!
Relationships and love are just scary, not to mention marriage. Vowing to spend your ENTIREEEE life with one person. Thinking that you and that one person are gonna get along FOREVER?.. Damn, that takes a lot. I dont believe in divorce, so once I’m married, that’s it. Like my parents for example. They were married for 15 years, got divorced, and now they are back together. Not happily but they are back together. It’s crazy. They alwaysss fight and bicker like a married couple, but somehow it’s different. It’s not how a married couple should act. Growing up around all the arguments and fighting has shown me what I definitely do not want when I get married, and I try to tell my sisters that the relationship my parents have isn’t a healthy one.
“There is no remedy for love but to love more.”-Thoreau
But anyways… I’m off to bed.. good night!

My name’s not Oscar Mayer, but this is BOLOGNA!

8 Dec

So I was at work today and a pregnant woman was asking me for help looking for shoes, reaching for shoes she couldnt get to, and carrying boxes of shoes for her cuz we dont have carts. She was asking me questions that I dont think I need to know, like “are these shoes made in China?” “do you think the leather on this shoe is made in Germany?” BITCH, I dont know, and I dont think its really part of my job to know. If the shoe looks good, and fits nice then buy it. GOTDAMN! As we were speaking she told me that her baby is due December 25th and that its a boy. I assumed that her husband was with her somewhere in the mall, to drive her and such. She proceded to tell me that she drove to the mall herself and then asked me to help her take her bags to her car. At first, I thought the bitch was crazy, cuz thats not part of my job. But then I thought “ok, shes pregnant, she cant carry all this heavy stuff by herself. Fuck her husband for not coming with her.” So I helped her. She thanked me, offered me money. Of course I didnt take it but I would consider that charity.

I go back to work feeling good, knowing I just helped out a pregnant woman. Then an old man comes up to me and offers me money to do porn cuz him and his wife are in the “industry.” I’m just happy I didnt get fired today, cuz there was a lot of stuff that I held back. After all that, Ashlin, a friend at work, clocked in and we were talking. She told me some long ass story about how she cheated on her boyfriend the night before cuz he was out of town. BLAH! That pissed me off also, eventhough I’m in no way involved. It pissed me off to think that girls actually cheat. I like blaming the guys for that sort of thing. Its just weird to think about people cheating, only because I dont know how. Not like I’m complaining. I’ve been cheated on, and I never understood that but its whatever. Shes in the kinda relationship that thrives off of drama, so I guess she just added more fuel to her fire. Cheating is for losers.Period.

Now all I’m thinking about is going home for christmas. I’m in Cali now so being in this climate and atmosphere doesnt feel anything like the christmas season to me. So I’m at home listening to christmas music and trying to remember what snow looks like. I’ve only been gone for about 4 months, I’m just being dramatic. California isnt a bad place to live but its definitely not for me. I like SEASONS. I cant take warm weather all year long. I like wearing hoodies and coats and jackets and sweaters and stuff. The only people I’m concerned about seeing when I go home is my family, my bubby bear, and Mandi LOL. If I get to see anyone else it would be cool but I’m not making any other plans.

So yeah, thats it.

17 days :)….