Archive | May, 2009

I Must Confess…

25 May
And now my boyfriend hates me.
He was going through the channels and there was a Paul McCartney concert on VH1 or something. And we started talking about the Beatles and I told him that I dont like them and now he’s flabbergasted! I don’t know why I don’t like them.
One reason is definitely their little gay ass, faggity voices. I hate it. I know like everyone fucking likes them and whatever, I just don’t understand what the big deal is. I think if I was a teen back in the 1960’s, I’m sure I would have loved them. They began a revolution for music and without them we wouldn’t have the Backstreet Boys or Nsync, and I’m pretty sure we could have done without them.
I’m just kidding, I guess.
They were a big part of music and they were very talented, but I just don’t wanna listen to their music.
The Beatles to me, are like Baby Got Back by Sir Mix A Lot. It’s “cool” to sing along when you’re in a car with your friends, but I wouldn’t bring it home and chill to that shit.

There’s A First For Everything…

21 May
I WENT TO IHOP!!! For the first time. It was amazinggggg, and I loved it.
I had the chocolate chip pancakes.
They let you decide if you want it with the buttermilk batter or the all chocolate batter and it was a toss up but I decided to go with the buttermilk kind. And it was a good choice.
On Tuesday we went to Five Guys Burgers and Fries, and it was my first time there too.
It was pretty good, but I expected it to be like great cuz everyone is always talking about how good it is.
I hate when people hype shit up and then you finally get it and you’re not as amazed as everyone else.
Whatever. It was still good.
Now all of Sam’s family is in Canada for a wedding and we’re house/dogsitting. The dog’s name is Ralphie, but I keep calling him Bruno for some reason.
Oh well.
Now, we’re watching the denver/laker game and just chillin.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Updates Cupcakes

18 May

Im still in New Jersey with the boo. Having a great time. 
On thursday we went to his sister’s house and I got to meet her and Sam’s nephews and neice. They were all adorable and full of energy. The three boys thought I had cooties, and his neice Lily, who is the youngest, chilled with me most of the day, painting and playing computer games and stuff. We stayed the night and left Friday night and when we got home we just chilled cuz we were so tired!
We went to the boardwalk on Saturday for a little bit. It was pretty cold and everything was all foggy and stuff. But it was really nice to atleast see the ocean and stuff. As soon as we went back across the bridge there was no more fog and the sun was out. But whatevaaa. 
I plucked Sam’s eyebrows last night LOLLL.. I didnt do a lot cuz I dont want him looking like a female but he had hair growing down his eye lids and stuff hahaa. 
Yesterday we also helped his cousin move and I got to meet more of his family and of course everyone is very nice, not to mention hilarious. 
Now, I’m sitting here, typing this out while he plays Final Fantasy 7.

But I’ve been wanting to write a blog and I just didnt know what to write about. So you’ll be getting updates until I can think of a blog with some substance to write about.

Happy Monday!!!

Chugga-Chugga, Choo-Choo

14 May

So when Sam was in Pittsburgh with me, I took him to the Science Center, on a friday. Which was a bad idea cuz a lot of schools go there on field trips and stuff. So there was mad kids everywhere but it was all good. We went to this miniture train/railroad thing and it was amazing!… There was like a whole little town and everything moved. There was like kids swinging on swings, and people moving around in the houses and stuff. The shit had to take a long ass time to create but it was sick. So I thought I’d just share some of the pics he took with his phone 🙂

Happy Thursday!!!


13 May

I’m in New Jersey!!! And having a great time. Been here for a few days now and I love it. It’s actually my first time in Jersey, so it’s pretty exciting. Just been chilling and hanging out and stuff. I’ve met some of the boo’s family and everyone is very nice and extremely welcoming. 

But other than all that, I know I’ve been slacking on the blogs and stuff but I apologize. Hope everyone is doing good and having a good hump day!!!

The Reason for My Absence

10 May

The boo took a week off work and came down to visit me, and I had the best 10 days of my life! We just chilled, watched basketball, made food, played basketball, threw a baseball around, went to the science centerrrr, and played scrabble… He was suppose to leave on friday morning but ended up getting his ticket pushed back until this morning :)… But now I’m packing to take a bus to see him tonight LOL.. What can I say? We’re in love and cant be apart from eachother.

But other than thattttt… I dont know what else to talk about. I hope everyone had a great week and Happy Mother’s Day!!!

I’m Still Alive, No Need to Panic!!!

8 May