Archive | February, 2010

Friday Night.

27 Feb
So yesterday evening me and Samir went to try and find an outfit for my birthday on Monday. If you want to see how that went you can look at my previous blog.
Once we left the outlets we went to this local place called Mel’s and he had some kinda Southwest burger and I had chicken vegetable soup and a side salad.
After that I wanted to go to Barnes & Noble to fine a new book to read. I’m a huge Dean Koontz fan so I picked up one of his books that I havent read yet. I was also looking for like a bug picture book, with nice pictures. I looked at this one book called “America from Above” and it was just different areas and states and they took amazing pictures from a helicopter. It was pretty awesome, but of course my husband said, “Why would you get that when you can just look at Google Earth?” LOLLL.. At the time it made sense to me so I just put it down.
As we were walking out he found this book of pictures from Ireland. Me being Irish and it being close to St. Patrick’s Day I thought it’d be cool to look at. But to my surprise. When I took it home and looked at it, I wasnt all that impressed. So I’m considering taking it back.
Tonight, we are thinking about taking a quick trip to the mall to give it another chance at finding a birthday outfit. Then we might go try and see Shutter Island. I heard it’s pretty good.

Update on the Birth Control!

27 Feb
I thought I’d just give a little update on the birth control since I’ve gotten a few comments on that blog.
I’ve been taking it for about 2 weeks now. I dont think too much has changed. I definitely dont think it’s made me gain anymore unwanted weight than I already have.
I dont know if it’s just me or if the pill really makes me orgasm better. Sam and I havent really been doing anything different, but it feels a lot better. I’m definitely not complaining but I just have never heard of that.
But blah, I keep saying that I’m going to start running again when the snow melts, but we just got another 6-8 inches the past 2 days. I dont think this shit is going to melt until June! I need to start doing something though, and get motivated. I went shopping last night and tried on a pair of jeans that I would have been able to fit in 7 months ago and I couldnt even get them over my hips and butt. I was so depressed and felt so embarrassed. I was in such a bad mood that I had a salad for dinner. And I HATEEEE salads!.
I’m sure girls know exactly what I’m talking about. I was never a tiny girl, but I was still able to wear whatever I wanted. Now, it’s a pain in the ass to find jeans that fit and look good on me!
I need to lose all this weight before summer, or you wont be seeing this little chubbster at the beach, at the pool, or even in a pair of shorts!
Hope everyone has a nice weekend!!!

Tweet Tweet

24 Feb
Follow me: KDub412

24 Feb

So I was going through some of the people who left me comments on a few of my blogs. I went to a blog called Peppermint Candy. She wrote a blog about the first pair of sexy panties she ever got. And I thought it was pretty funny. I think every girl goes through that stage in their life where they know some of their friends are wearing thongs and stuff, but they dont want to ask their moms to buy those kinda panties for them.

When I was in like 7th or 8th grade I wanted to at least try a thong out, just once. But I didnt want to wear it and put it in the laundry and have my mom find it, and yell at me or whatever I thought she would do. I was a dancer and the dance teacher told me, during our performances I wasnt allowed to wear underwear with my costume because it would show pantie lines. I told my mom I needed to get a thong for that reason. So she got me one. It was a plain white, cotton, Tommy Hilfiger thong. I was so excited, until my second performance when it was so far up my butt, I couldnt take it!!!

HAHAHA Anyways… Just thought I’d share my story. HAPPY HUMP DAY!

Candle Light

16 Feb
So last night, Sam and I got back from the mall and from eating around 7:30. We were both extremely full from all the food.!
We got into the bedroom, turned off all the lights, and just layed there. I cant even tell you how amazing it was. I felt like we were the only two people in the entire world. We joked around, we talked, we didnt talk, we just enjoyed each other’s company. No tv, no internet, no cell phones, no twitter. There was about 30 seconds where neither of us spoke or moved. My head was on his chest and I heard his heart beat and I felt so blessed.
I get to spend everyday of my life with my best friend. We can enjoy watching basketball, going out to eat, playing video games, just spending time TOGETHER, forever.
It’s a crazy feeling. I cant got a day without getting butterflies, just from thinking about how far we’ve come and how far we still have to go in life.
🙂 I love my husband.
That is all.

Valentine’s Day Card :)

14 Feb

^^^This is the card that I received from my husband for V-Day ^^^
Isn’t it sooo cute? I’ve always wanted a guy to actually make me a valentine’s day card but never got it. So I was soo excited and happy to see this.
On the left side of the card is a poem he wrote that’s adorable and so creative. And on the right side is some lame bubble letters I did at work one day. Oh and btw, Aug. 28th is our wedding anniversary. But he wrote me a letter over top of it thats really cute and very heartfelt.
I’m very proud of my card and it will be going into my scrap book!!!
I hope everyone has a great V-Day!


14 Feb
So I took my first birth control pill every today!!!! Yeah, I dont know what took so long lol.. I’m 20 years old but I was never sexually active until I met Sam.
And lately we’ve had our fair share of pregnancy scares. It’s mostly to blame on my irregular period cycle. But hopefully that will all be changed soon 🙂
But I heard taking birth control makes you gain weight 😦 I’m not tryin to have that. I gotta start working out extra hard. As soon as all this snow melts Imma be up in the gym just workin on my fitness. But when I say gym I mean bedroom, and when I say fitness I mean my sexual cravings. LOLLL Just kidding, kinda.
Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

Guess Whose Got a Gamer Tag!!!

6 Feb
So I was sick of using my husbands gamer tag, so I made my own. I’ve been playng UNO and Connect 4 and some other stuff. I’m trying to make it through the COD MW:2 Campaign but it’s hard to get use to. But I’m giving it a chance.
If you have XBL add me. GT: YNS Katie

Whistle While You Work

3 Feb
So work has been stressing me out BIG TIME! I mean, I know work isnt suppose to be fun, and I definitely dont think I have the worst job in the world. Not at all. But it’s just so draining. For those that dont know, I’m a receptionist/support rep for a software company. I answer phones and only talk to people that are having problems with the software so they’re always in a bad mood! Once you help someone and you’re feeling good, another one calls with a new problem and most of the time they have an attitude or they’re yelling. It’s like I never get anywhere.
I work full time, and it sucks. If bills didnt need to be paid and the money wasnt so good, I’d rather be working a mall job.
I’m not even 21 years old yet and I come home from work at like 5:30 and I get in my p.j.’s and I watch tv until I go to bed around 9pm. This is a schedule for like a 40 year old. I’m miserable and I take it out on my husband and thats completely the wrong thing to do.
I know I need to suck it up for right now and just do what I gotta do until something better comes along but it’s really hard.
But enough about work and complaining. I guess I just needed to vent.
Hope everyone had a good day 🙂

Finally Twenty-One

3 Feb
In 25 days I’ll be 21! It’s been such a long time coming. 21 years to be exact. I’m pretty excited. Not really a big drinker, and I dont really even plan on getting smashed or anything. Just cant wait to go to the bar and get a drink!!!
We’re planning a trip to Atlantic City. Spend a night or two and just hit up the clubs and casinos and stuff.
Sooo exciteddddd!!!